Pioneering video streaming network Netflix is credited with having done away with the Blockbuster Video model of brick-and-mortar stores; however, the company recently announced plans to open two physical locations in the United States by 2025. Netflix tested the brick-and-mortar waters with a series of pop-up shops with interesting themes such as restaurants that served meals based on some of the network’s popular culinary shows.
Pop-up shops are part of experiential marketing, a strategy focused on creating memorable and engaging experiences. The goal is to connect with consumers on an emotional level to build strong brand loyalty. Netflix initially rolled out pop-up shops to promote merchandise for the popular “Stranger Things” series in New York City and Los Angeles before expanding to other metro regions.
As long as your pop-up shop idea is clever and interesting, there is a good chance that it will resonate with those who experience it. Market research on this strategy shows that people love the idea of pop-up shops; nonetheless, their bottom-line success will be determined by how much foot traffic they can generate. With this in mind, here are four tips to promote pop-ups on social media, which is an essential channel for experiential marketing efforts:
1- Choose the Right Social Networks
Not all social media platforms are created equal. When thinking about where to promote your pop-up event, consider your target audience and where they are most active. If you are targeting members of the Millennial Generation you may want to focus on Instagram, but don’t forget about TikTok for the younger target audience. If you are targeting business professionals, LinkedIn and Twitter are the networks you want to focus on.
2- Partner With Social Media Influencers
One of the best ways to reach new audiences is through partnerships with influencers. You will need to research various influencers so that you can identify the ones who appeal to the kind of audiences you wish to attract with your pop-up shop. If the influencer you partner with enjoys your products and services, this could be the beginning of a profitable relationship for future pop-up shops.
3- Visually Appealing and Informative Content
To foster social media engagement, your content should be attractive and straight to the point. To generate buzz ahead of the pop-up event, you can run contests and giveaways on social networks; for the most part, pop-up shops are perceived as being playful, so you want to uphold this sentiment. A benefit of experiential marketing is that it offers great follow-up opportunities, so be sure to share photos, videos, and behind-the-scenes content that will prompt your followers to not miss the next pop-up. Don’t be afraid to go big; for example, it makes perfect sense to change the background image of your Facebook business profile for promotional purposes a couple of days before the event.
4- Don’t Forget About #Hashtags
Relevant hashtags can help you reach a wider audience and connect with people who are interested in what you have to offer. The name of the city and place of your pop-up event are examples of relevant hashtags that should accompany your brand tags.