Social media is one of the most dominating forms of communication in this ever changing world. The power to let voices be heard and exercise 1st amendment rights has paved a path for many that otherwise would never be heard. These influencers serve a variety of audiences from all age groups, nationalities, and religions. Social media influencers such as Helen Lee Schifter are one of many who speak on topics such as health and wellness during the pandemic.
Schifter’s views and input on how social media has actually helped individuals with their sanity during the stress and uncertainty of the pandemic has assisted individuals by being an advocate for mental health. The mental toll on all the changes that took place during the pandemic has left people with a void of uncertainty and fear. Social media has been that bridge to recovery and alleviation of fear and concern to feel like people are not alone with individual and family struggles.
Everyone knows someone who has been affected by 2020 and beyond and has struggled to find peace and answers to why they may feel a certain way through the tough times. Then along comes social media to calm and comfort as people begin to see that others may have gone through similar experiences. These people may find comfort in a post of an animal doing something funny or a prank being played on a friend. Whatever the genre, social media will provide the content. There has been a surge of new investors, tax advice, estate planning, and housing opportunities all listed on social media in great detail. The people of this great nation are taking to social media to express their talents and skills with the world.
Posting dialogue on social media allows for all individuals to have a voice both good and bad according to personal views. The impact has reached all the way from politics to garden arrangements. The variety of this content is sure to reach all individuals on some level of interest. Content creators have now inherited a unique opportunity to use their platforms in a positive way this world needs. Just a laugh here and an explanation there can make all the difference to people as this nation repairs and heals from devastation. Social media is the way forward as we are moving forward to a better sense of normalcy and saying goodbye to a pandemic that has put the world on pause.
Long after the pandemic and even now social media will continue to gain traction and evolve as a go-to for news and answers. It serves as a live review platform for individuals to come together and use their first amendment rights. From world leaders, health and wellness expert Helen Lee Schifter, and the normal person, social media will be the way people express themselves for generations to come. There are so many platforms that serve multiple types of people from young to young at heart. There is a little something for everyone on social media.