The 4 Phases of Project Management

Project management is the process of managing a project’s scope, schedule, and resources to bring it in on time and within budget. It is an extremely crucial phase of any given project because the success or failure of that phase will determine whether or not your company can be successful with the final product. The 4 phases of project management according to Jonathan Osler are planning, execution, monitoring & control, and closing.


The planning phase is the first step in project management. During this phase, you will need to come up with a detailed plan that outlines your product’s specifications and discusses how it should be built. You will need to include the costs of each part of your product, including labor and materials. You should also discuss how you are going to get everything done on time while still making sure it is high quality. This phase ends when all parts of the project have been scheduled into periods called “tasks”.


The execution phase is where all the hard work begins. During this phase, you will need to put your plan into action and start working on building your product. This can be both exciting and stressful because many things could go wrong during this step if it isn’t done correctly or efficiently enough. It is important to not go over budget and to meet all of your deadlines during this phase, or else you will need an entirely new plan for the next step. The execution phase ends when everything has been completed and the project is ready to be reviewed.

Monitoring & Control

The monitoring and control phase is where you will need to make sure that everything stays on track. You must be constantly checking your progress against the plan, making adjustments as necessary along the way to ensure that it continues moving towards completion efficiently. This ensures that all of your hard work isn’t lost because something went wrong during this phase. The monitoring and control phase ends when your product is complete, or close enough to it that you would be willing to give it your stamp of approval for release into the world.


The closing phase occurs after everything has been completed and you are ready to take on any tasks that come up in the future related to this project. Throughout this phase, it may be necessary for you or someone else from your company to go into the field and check on how your product is doing. The closing phase ends when all documentation has been completed for this project, including reports of any issues you had during production or anything else that may have happened along the way.
In conclusion, Jonathan Osler opines that planning, monitoring and control, and closing are critical phases of project management. It is upon the project manager to coordinate the efforts of all team members to ensure that everything goes smoothly. The project manager must identify milestones in each phase and take steps accordingly.

By Article Editor

Daniel Carlson is a journalist with a passion for covering the latest trends and developments in digital marketing. He has a deep understanding of the complexities of the digital landscape and a talent for translating technical information into accessible and informative reports. His writing is insightful and thought-provoking, providing readers with a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities in the ever-evolving digital marketing world. Daniel is committed to accurate and impartial reporting, delivering the news with integrity and a sense of responsibility.