Ken Kurson has noted there is little doubt that dramatic changes have come to the media industry in a way few could have anticipated over the last decade. These changes have come in the form of the digital and technological revolution that we see continuing to redefine the media landscape in a way few could have expected. Indeed, there have been many news properties that have adapted to the continued changes in the ways in which technology has redefined the news industry.

The changes have indeed taken root in a variety of ways. The effects of the changes have accelerated the pace at which news properties taking to the web . There were certainly digital and web-based platforms like PRNewswire that have consistently been used for the purpose of sharing information with the world about events, news, current events and any updates on a property’s staffing changes. But the volume of content that is now being churned out and produced in digital forums is extraordinary and incomparable to that which was being used pre-dating this technological revolution.

There are many news properties that have benefited from the transitions that have taken place across the industry as an increasing amount of news properties have developed digital platforms by which to generate content and news for their audiences.  Increasingly, we’ve seen media properties that are led by prudent publishers and editors, seek to better understand their audiences and their respective tastes and interests based on the information that is possible to glean in today’s technologically advanced world.

There has also been a substantial shift of former members of the media taking their gifts, talents and understanding of the media market to the entrepreneurial world. This makes complete sense, given the fact that they are most uniquely qualified to be able to navigate these relatively fresh waters of digital and social media transformation. Among these media entrepreneurs has been Ken Kurson, who has led the creation of a number of news properties that have already garnered considerable buzz and excitement in a relatively short period of time.

The advantages that are inherent to publishers and editorial staffs as a consequence of these changes to the media market that have been spurred by the digital and technological advances of contemporary times are substantial. The ways in which publishers are able to ascertain information and better understanding their audiences is a true and real advantage that digital media properties offer their press barons that didn’t exist when helming print properties.

Tools like Google Analytics now provide information about individuals that comprise a given readership’s audience based on not only their demographic backgrounds, but also their backgrounds more generally. In addition, there is valuable information that can be gleaned based on the reading habits of the given news property’s readership. For instance, the frequency at which a given site visitor might click on a certain reporter’s journalistic work might indicate their interest in that particular reporter and his or her background. In turn, savvy press operators might feature such a reporter more prominently and encourage him or her to produce more content.

Certainly, beyond that, the amount of time that a reader or visitor to the news property’s site spends on a certain article, can be worthwhile information that provides the editorial staff insight into what type of content they might appreciate. This can of course be sorted based on genre of the reporting; the nature of the journalism and the subject matter the reporter is covering; and much more.

The Times of Israel is an example of one of many outlets that have done an extraordinarily exemplary job at producing a digital platform that’s reach is extraordinary and is also incredibly user friendly.

By Article Editor

Daniel Carlson is a journalist with a passion for covering the latest trends and developments in digital marketing. He has a deep understanding of the complexities of the digital landscape and a talent for translating technical information into accessible and informative reports. His writing is insightful and thought-provoking, providing readers with a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities in the ever-evolving digital marketing world. Daniel is committed to accurate and impartial reporting, delivering the news with integrity and a sense of responsibility.