3 Ways to Use Social Media to Find a Moving Company

It’s finally time to prepare for the big move. There’s still so much to do and so many decisions to make, but one thing you have decided is that you’re going to use a moving company on the big day. But you still have to figure out which moving company to go with.

Some companies offer different services for different prices. Some companies also have better reputations than others, which can be a scary concept to think about. The last thing you want is to move into your new place with half your furniture scratched or damaged.

Finding a moving company that’s going to treat your possessions with care is important, and thankfully today you have the option of using the power of social media to help you through the process.

1- Find and Search Company Websites

Social media is a fantastic tool to easily find the homepage of a business you’d like more information about. A quick search for moving companies in your area on something like Facebook will reveal the businesses you want to know more about. More often than not they have a link to their homepage on their profile.

Most of the information you’ll be searching for, like what kinds of service a company provides or pricing, is going to be found on their website and not their social media page. But follow the moving companies you’re interested in so you’ll alerted to any special deals or discounts the companies might be running.

2- Compare User Reviews and Ratings

Nothing gives a business better credibility than good user reviews and ratings. With social media, there are many platforms where you can rapidly research company reviews with ease. Take special note of the one or two-star reviews, what they say, and how often they pop up.

Using social media to compare the ratings of various companies you’re interested in is also worthwhile. However, remember that not all ratings carry the same weight. A four-star review from ten users isn’t as good as a four-star rating from one hundred users. Most social media platforms make it easy to see how many people have left ratings for a product or service, so take advantage of that information as you compare.

3- Get Filter-Free Reviews and Ask For Advice

Social media sites like Yelp and Google are a gold mine if you’re looking for unfiltered opinions about any subject. Do a quick search for moving companies on these sites, and you’re likely to come across an assortment of posts giving detailed reviews about companies. Users will also post advice for people looking to use a moving company in the future.

You can also create a post with a specific question if you don’t see that issue addressed in any other posts. People are happy to share their experiences to help others, so it shouldn’t be long until you get an answer to your query. This can be the best way to get detailed facts about the moving company you’re interested in and feel secure investing your money in their service.