It is very common to see tutors complaining about dogs that gnaw all their furniture and baseboards in the house. Gnawing is a natural habit for dogs, but why do dogs gnaw wood and why can this be a problem? Know four reasons and what to do click here!
1. Gnawing relieves itching and pain from teething teeth
If the furry is a puppy, the gums may be itchy and sore. Just as human babies are biting objects, the dog chewing on furniture is trying to improve this sensation.
However, why does dog gnaw wood and not other material? Because, in nature, the little dog seeks to alleviate this sensation in the mouth by gnawing on the bones left over from its prey. Failing that, they opt for sticks they find on the ground.
How are dogs teething?
Puppy teeth erupt around 20 to 30 days of life. At that moment, the little ones are still suckling from their mother and don’t chew anything, they only bother her little teats.
Around two months, weaning occurs. In the new family, the pet can start chewing, and this is the time for the tutor to entertain him with his toys.
At four months, the milk teeth begin to fall out and the permanent ones begin to grow. This process lasts for around six months. After the total exchange, the molars are born. So, during this whole process, the reason why dogs gnaw wood could be their teeth.
2. To explore the environment
Again, just like human babies, puppies and young adult dogs explore the world with their mouths, so they can gnaw on different materials to learn about their textures and flavors.
3. Boredom
The lack of what to do can cause the behavior of gnawing objects and furniture. That’s because chewing has a relaxing effect on a bored dog . When chewing, serotonin and endorphins are released.
Therefore, one of the ways to end boredom and abandonment is the explanation for why dogs gnaw wood. Isolating the dog even more from socializing with family members is a big mistake. Behavior tends to worsen with isolation.
4. Depraved appetite
Depraved appetite is a behavioral disorder that causes the animal to ingest things that are not food. The dog eats wood , stone, walls and plastics. This disorder can occur for a number of reasons:
intestinal worms
Intestinal verminosis is one of the most common diseases of pets. It is contracted by contact with feces, food, water and objects contaminated with eggs, oocysts or larvae of intestinal parasites.
The symptoms are gastrointestinal and systemic: diarrhea, vomiting, flatulence (gas), weakness, presence of worms or blood in the stool and dull coat and failure. Due to the malnutrition caused by worms, dogs may begin to seek nutrients from sources other than food. In the wild, they may lick dirt, mostly clay, in search of minerals.
In an urban environment, the dog gnawing wood , eating stones and other materials characterizes the depraved appetite. If the furry has never had this habit and starts to do this, suspect a possible verminosis.
nutritional deficiency
In the absence of worms, other nutritional deficiencies can cause depraved appetite. After worms, poor quality feed is the most common cause of depraved appetite.
anxiety and stress
Stressed or anxious dogs can develop a depraved appetite. It’s a way to alleviate these symptoms. They develop destructive behavior, excessive licking of body parts and excessive barking.
What to do to prevent biting
In the case of teeth growing, offer toys for dogs to chew . If he still prefers the furniture in the house, use animal repellents to keep him away.
If you suspect a worm, take the furry to the vet. He will request a stool test to find out which worm is parasitizing the dog and prescribe the correct medication.
Correct the dog ‘s diet . Offer a Super Premium diet, which has high quality nutrients and better absorption, resulting in a healthier and happier puppy!
In the case of a bored, anxious or stressed dog, the owner needs to be more patient and know that it takes a little more time to reverse the situation and help the pet to improve:
- provide a safe place for the animal, removing all possible objects that can be destroyed so, when it needs to leave your home, prevent it from chewing undue materials;
- do not leave the dog isolated from family members for more than six hours, except at night, while he sleeps;
- dogs like news. Always leave new toys or routinely save some to give on another day;
- toys are meant to be destroyed, don’t fight with him if that happens;
- Spend the dog’s energy daily. Every dog has a specific energy level. It can be a half hour walk or an hour walk 3 times a day.
Why dogs gnaw wood has several explanations. Schedule a veterinary appointment at one of the Petz stores near you and take the opportunity to discover our products for environmental enrichment!