Every home needs a little love now and then to make sure it continues to keep its inhabitants safe and dry. Unfortunately, it falls to someone to perform the necessary routine maintenance tasks and they have to be done at least once a year. Even someone who likes DIY might find it a little dull, so we thought we would help you all out by creating this short list of things to keep in mind that you might forget, or that might help that all important maintenance weekend go a little faster. I find it much easier to set in stone a time of year that you’ll perform maintenance, whether it’s spring or autumn for example, so that you can ensure that you don’t skip a year! Setting aside a maintenance weekend every 6 or 12 months can do wonders for getting ahead with your
- Vehicle maintenance
Even the trustiest of vehicles need maintenance from time to time and if there’s a complex problem that needs sorting out then you might well need to spend an entire weekend out in the garage replacing that Ford fe aluminum block or retuning the engine – or perhaps something a little more surface, like rewaxing or touching up the paint job. Whatever it is, routine vehicle maintenance is just as important to you and your family’s safety and happiness as checking up on the home itself.
- Using the right equipment
A job badly done is a job not done at all, and any DIYer knows that using the right equipment is half the battle. However when it comes to tasks that really only need doing once a year or less you don’t want to waste money on equipment that will essentially be gathering dust, so you might want to use a rent fiber tester or pipe winteriser for example. This means a small one off cost each year but no need to make a big investment, and you can still perform the tasks you need to perform.
- Get your family out of the way
Now, we don’t mean this in a mean way – but if you need a weekend to perform some routine maintenance tasks that require concentration, neither you nor anyone else is going to have a lot of fun. You won’t have the attention to spare, plus you’ll be taking up space within the home that others may want to use during the weekend. Instead of everybody getting on top of each other, it’s a great idea to look up vacation rentals near disney for the rest of the family to stay at. This way, nobody draws the short straw and you avoid those horrible arguments that often happen when household tasks need to take place!
Making a house a home is a never ending task – but hopefully this list will have helped make it a little less tedious! I personally find setting aside one clear weekend to tackle as much as possible makes me feel like I’m making good progress, but you’ll need to find a system that works well for you and your family.