How Businesses Can Make Their Strategy More Agile
For businesses to be successful, capitalists need to be agile. Agile businesses adapt quickly and focus on what works for the company’s strategy. The rigidity of a traditional business model is sometimes no longer necessary in today’s digital world. According to Jonathan Osler San Francisco, six ways to make a business more agile include:
1. Adding a Value Ladder
According to Osler, the value ladder is an organizational structure that allows the company to balance employee needs with customer needs. An added value ladder places employees in front of all projects and keeps them in touch with customers. Mr. Osler explains that this structure will make any business more agile because it helps employees develop a deeper relationship with customers and provide better products or services to meet their needs.
2. Introduction of New Technology Faster
Jonathan Osler suggests that old technology and code can slow development processes. Deploying new technology that can be integrated easily will help the business develop faster and stay agile in the marketplace.
3. Implementation of Innovation
Innovation is key to staying competitive in today’s business climate. According to Jonathan Osler San Francisco, implementing innovation requires business persons to understand customer needs, be consistent with product development and allow their employees to provide suggestions for improvement. The biggest tip provided is the necessity of creating an environment that challenges employees on the job and in their personal life. This encourages creative thinking and allows them to develop new ideas for improving a specific business area.
4. Hiring the Best and Firing the Rest
A sound hiring system strongly contributes to agile businesses. Jonathan Osler states that the best way to get top-notch employees is to hire only those who are a good fit for the job. Once one has chosen the individuals who will fit in a given role, one needs to be able to identify what their strengths and weaknesses are. These employees can, therefore, help the company become more agile because they can work independently and think on their feet in a dynamic environment.
5. Embrace Modern Technology
Jonathan Osler believes new technology creates a more flexible work environment for employees and improves their ability to adapt to change. This is also a good way to stay in touch with customers, as it allows for customer surveys, interviews, and market research. Osler argues that if a company can embrace technology in all areas of business, an immediate impact on agility can be seen.
6. Creating Smarter Workflows
Mr. Osler discusses that a smarter workflow is an efficient system of getting work done. It means that when employees assess the work being produced by their department, they need to be able to make corrections and process improvements on the spot. Jonathan also argues that employees who can’t make these changes while on the job are not adding value to the business. To become more agile, Osler stresses the importance of businesses making sure they have effective workflow processes.