During the pandemic, the USA saw a 17% increase in the amount of people working from home in a bid to stop the spread of the COVID-19. However, because the pandemic in America does not appear to be improving quickly, many people who can work from home may be doing so for the foreseeable future.
Although working from home is a lot safer in the current environment, it can be more difficult, as many people find it hard to keep a healthy work/life balance. Moreover, working from home can often mean you are using more electricity. Using your computer all day, as well as other appliances such as heating during times you wouldn’t usually use while at work, could make your energy bill soar.
If you are looking for ways to save energy while working from home, here are some easy tips on how to do just that:
Avoid Working Longer Hours Than Normal
When working from home, it can be really tempting to work longer hours than you would usually. This is partially because you no longer have a commute, meaning that you can spend more time at your computer. Moreover, because you are working at home, you might find yourself working later into the evening. Not only does this ruin your work/life balance, but can also seriously increase the amount of energy you are using. To cut down the amount of energy you are using, try to work harder in fewer hours.
Work Efficiently
Stay on task. Move your phone into a different room and try and block as many distractions as possible. Make a list of everything you need to get done today. Work on that list in order. Don’t go on to the next task until the previous task is complete. When you reach the end of your scheduled work time, stop. Take up your task list where you left of the next day. This will help you reduce your working hours and, as a result, reduce the amount of energy you are using.
Turn Your Heating Down/AC Up
During the winter season, when working from home, it can be effortless to use huge amounts of energy on heating. During the summer, you may be using the air conditioner a lot of the time. Heating and hot water account for more than half of the average fuel bill. If you are working in winter, make sure that you wrap up as much as you can to avoid using a lot of heating. In summer, wear loose fitting clothes, and open up as many doors and windows as you possibly can to make fresh air move through the house. This is one of the easiest and most efficient ways to save energy when you are working from home.
Switch to a Better Energy Provider
When working from home, many of us will want to save energy in order to save money. One of the best ways to save money on your energy bill is to make sure you are being supplied from the cheapest company. So many people are paying much more for their energy than they should be, and this can lead to much higher bills. If you are wondering if you are paying too much for electricity, check Eversource CT to see if you could be saving money by changing energy providers. Not only will this help you start saving money immediately, but it will also mean you will not have to worry if you do start using more energy when you are working from home.
Because of the coronavirus pandemic, more and more people are working from home to help control the spread of the virus. However, once this pandemic has been controlled, the number of people working from home may stay the same. As a result, if you are currently working from home, prepare yourself for the possibility that you may be working home more regularly in the future. Hopefully by following the above advice, you will be able to save money and energy while you work from home.