How to Handle Unproductive Workers
Alexander Djerassi, an entrepreneur, has some advice for businesses regarding unproductive workers. Many companies don’t know how to handle these employees, which can lead to many problems.
This article will discuss some tips for dealing with unproductive workers according to Djerassi.
Talk to the Employee
This should be done in a private setting. The goal of this conversation is to find out what’s going on with the employee and see if there’s anything the employer can do to help them improve their productivity.
If the employee is not productive because they’re struggling with something personal, employers may help them find resources or assistance that can solve their problem. However, if the employee is unproductive because they don’t care about their job, it may be time to leave your company.
Set Expectations
If employees know what is expected of them, they are more likely to be productive. This can be done in many ways, such as setting specific goals for the employee or giving them deadlines to meet.
Employers should also make sure that their expectations are realistic. Unrealistic expectations will only frustrate employees and lead to even lower productivity levels.
Implement a Performance Management System
Alexander Djerassi believes that a performance management system can help employers keep track of an employee’s productivity. This system should include measurable goals and objectives that can be tracked over time.
It’s also important to review these goals regularly to ensure that they are still relevant and achievable. If not, employees may become discouraged and unproductive.
Reward Productivity
Employers should encourage productivity by rewarding employees who meet or exceed their goals. This could be in the form of a bonus, a raise, or even public recognition.
However, employers should be careful not to reward employees for things unrelated to productivity, such as coming to work on time and meeting deadlines. . This could lead to employees working less hard and becoming unproductive.
Coach and Counsel
If an employee struggles to be productive, employers should provide them with coaching and counseling. This can help the employee improve their productivity levels without leaving your company.
Coaching and counseling can also help employees who are struggling with personal problems. By providing employees with the support they need, you can help them overcome these obstacles and improve their productivity.
Give Employees Downtime
Employees need downtime to recharge and be productive. This could mean giving them a break after lunch or allowing them to take occasional short breaks throughout the day.
Employers should also make sure that employees take vacations and not work too many hours. Overtime can lead to employee burnout, which will cause them to be less productive.
Discipline Unproductive Workers
If all other attempts to improve an employee’s productivity have failed, employers may need disciplinary action. This could include a verbal warning, a written warning, or even termination.
Employers should make sure that they are familiar with their company’s policies and procedures for disciplining employees before taking any such actions.
It’s important to remember that there are many different ways to handle unproductive workers. The best way to find out what works best for your company is to experiment with different methods until you find one that fits your needs.