Website owners everywhere are in a constant rush to improve their digital domains in order to increase their conversion rates. Despite the importance of keeping users interested in your webpage, however, it can be incredibly difficult to actually bolster your conversion figures.
Many business owners have sunk countless hours and huge sums of money into improving their website but still haven’t been greeted with the positive changes they hoped to instill.
Oftentimes, that’s because they’re not paying attention to one of the most important elements of any website – its loading time.
How can you improve your website and get better conversion than ever before? Here’s an exploration of how reducing page loading time can tremendously improve upon your digital outcomes.
Customers hate slow websites
If there’s one universal truth about the internet, it’s that we all hate it when it doesn’t work properly. When a website fails to load at all or only loads in an excruciatingly slow fashion, it can be enough to make you want to toss your computer against the wall.
More realistically, it likely means you’ll close out of that website and find an alternative option that’s quicker, easier, and more pleasant to access. For website owners and advertisers, such as those promoting a top personal injury attorney sit, this is a terrible development that effectively costs them huge sums of money, especially if it’s consistent behavior exhibited by most users who visit your page.
There are thus plenty of guides on how to improve your website that business owners frequently rely upon, but far too few of them pay attention to the most important tidbit of advice which can be derived from these guides.
No matter what else you do, users will never enjoy or engage with your website until you have a fast page loading time. While upping your page speed can produce better SEO results, it can also lead consumers to more favorable recommendations of your site to others.
The relevance of any given page is obviously the most important aspect of its eventual SEO success, at least when it comes to vacuuming up interested users, but the speed at which that page loads is almost equally important.
This is because lackluster loading times are one of the most frequently cited reasons that users abandon a webpage in favor of an alternative. The 15 second rule is powerful, and should be considered seriously by any business owner who is unhappy with the current results of their digital marketing or SEO campaign.
Catching somebody’s attention in the very brief time period that you have their engagement isn’t easy. Far too often, business owners and website operators overdo it by adding flashy elements to their webpage that can actually increase loading time.
More frequently, they simply refuse to realize how quickly and seriously they need to grab and hold onto people’s attention if they want their webpage to be a success by modern standards.
Focus on conversion
What does a page’s loading speed have to do with conversion, anyway? Some marketing experts and business gurus can often define conversion too narrowly; when discussing your conversion rate or conversion figures, they’ll only pay attention to things like how many customers out of one hundred signed up for your newsletter.
Business owners looking to bolster their conversion should take a broader view of it; conversion should be viewed as successfully convincing the customer to produce a desired outcome that’s positive for your business.
This may be signing up for a newsletter, yes, but it could also simply be the clicking of a frequently-ignored link or the lingering on a certain section of the website that generates more ad revenue than others.
When pitching to customers, you should thus consider that helping them diminish memory usage of Mac computers will ultimately translate into greater profits for your company. It may not make sense at first, especially if you lack digital expertise, but by making consumers use their digital machines more efficiently, you’ll ensure they remain on your webpage instead of darting over to a competitor’s page.
All in all, reducing the time it takes to load a page on your website is one of the best ways to bolster your conversion. For business owners and tech gurus interested in achieving better SEO results than ever before, this tactic can’t be shunned.