Societal expectations would suggest that our last memory of a deceased loved one should be the traditional memorial or funeral service. Once completed, and almost immediately afterward the bereaved must begin the long, lonely healing process with little more than a remembered, “It was a lovely service,” to mark that portentous event.
For many, however, this sad event is a sorry touchstone for a life well-lived. Rather than honoring their passing, these people would prefer to celebrate their friends or family members’ lives, and new technology in the death industry is making that desire a reality.
One such innovative mover in this highly personalized sphere is Austin, Texas-based company, Eterneva. Rejecting the long-established industrialized approach to processing death, this company has embarked on a deadly journey that is destined to wrought changes in the way mourners grieve in the aftermath of a family’s loss.
You heard that correctly. A death journey.
Rather than a one-off ceremony designed to mark a person’s passing, Eterneva is rethinking the way we thrive rather than survive in the aftermath of a loved one’s death. Personalizing the grieving process following a death is an excellent way to get closure.
Personalizing the Grieving Process After a Death
Thanks to innovative technologies available in the death care realm, mourners have options when it comes to personalizing the death journey following the death of the loved one. Rather than concentrating on the darkness of death, Austin, TX-based company Eterneva is utilizing the latest science to provide a source of brightness during the healing process.
The grieving process is not a cookie-cutter process, and every person grieves differently on the passing of a loved one. Personalizing that loss is an excellent way to celebrate that life while their loved one begins the months-long process of evolving into a beautifully appointed synthetic diamond.
Once completed, after a process that is completely documented and shared with loved ones along every step of the death journey, the memorial diamond is delivered in an elaborate homecoming where loved ones are reunited with their departed family members. Personalizing the grieving process shortens the healing process, and leaves mourners with an enduring symbol of their deceased loved one.
Rather than confining the grieving process to an abbreviated process that ends with a burial within a week of their passing, transforming your loved one into a memorial diamond assures that their memory will remain close to their loved one’s heart. Leveraging available technology and a growing awareness that there can be a new personalized way to grieve in the aftermath of a loved one’s death.
Rethinking the Traditional Burial Process with Eterneva
If you are looking to find a new way to memorialize your loved one that does not involve traditional burial ceremonies, and you want a more personalized grieving process that allows you the ability to keep your loved one close to your heart, Eterneva is leading the way in adopting new techniques that are available to allow all of us to grieve in our way. If the standard funeral and memorial service fail to meet the needs of a grieving loved one, consider immortalizing a part of them inside a diamond fabricated in a laboratory setting.
Not only are diamonds forever so is the love and memories that you hold dear for a passed family member are also forever and are as enduring as the grief experienced in the aftermath of a loved one’s passing. Combining those two, utilizing the painstakingly loving process of growing a laboratory diamond, provides a way to celebrate their lives rather than mourn their loss.