Still on the fence on whether you should grow your own garden or not? Then check out this article. We’ll explain to you the different health and mental benefits of tending to a garden, how to get started, irrigation, and how gardeners can conserve non-renewable energy.

Gardening for Your Mind and Body

Your physical condition affects your mental state — and vice versa. Comparing mental and physical health is like comparing apples to apples. One cannot thrive without the other.

Looking for an activity that offers both mental and health benefits? Try gardening. It’s a pleasurable hobby that not only provides environmental benefits but also:

1. Burns Calories

Gardening might seem like an easy activity, but it can be quite tiring after a few minutes. You burn around 330 calories just by doing one hour’s worth of gardening and yard work.

2. Gives One the Time They Need to Meditate

Gardening gives you a quick break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. You’ll be left alone with nothing but your thoughts. Use this time to meditate and gain control over your emotions.

3. Provides a Healthy Food Source

Another cool thing about gardening is you get to eat your own produce. That means whether you originally intended to or not, you’re compelled to follow a healthier diet of fruits and veggies.

4. Relieves Stress

Anyone that does gardening will agree that it’s a great stress-relieving activity. The thought of planting a small seed, and taking care of it sends positive energy. Plus, it gives one a feeling of hope and a sense of control. These are emotions mentally unstable individuals lack.

5. Lowers Blood Pressure

Gardening is a low- to moderate-level activity that stimulates the body just enough to provide the following health benefits:

  • lower blood pressure levels
  • Better blood flow
  • improved oxygen flow throughout the body

6. Lowers Electric Bills

Not only is gardening good for your health but it is also good for your pocketbook. There are many landscaping tips and tricks that help lower electric bills. Shading from trees is an eco-friendly tip to keeping your cooling costs down and maintaining cheap gas prices ohio.

How Landscaping Can Help Your Curb Appeal

Distinguishing between garden landscaping and improved curb appeal is like comparing apples to apples. Yes, they’re the same. The good news is you don’t have to spend big bucks to make your garden look great. You don’t even have to consume much non-renewable energy. Check out these energy-efficient landscaping techniques to make your home look more attractive:

1. Rake the Laves and Trim the Lawn

The number one tip to making your garden look good is to rake fallen leaves and trim long grass. These two activities alone will already set you apart from other lawns in your neighborhood. After all, most homeowners only bother with their lawns once or twice a year.

2. Decorate Garden with Rock Patches

A full lawn filled with grass is great, but it’s also very wasteful. Just imagine how many gallons of water it takes to keep them lush-green and healthy. An energy-efficient landscaping technique you can try is to fill empty patches with rocks and pebbles instead. Feel free to pattern the rocks however you want.

3. Set Up a Small Water Fountain

Setting up a small water fountain in your garden adds a unique, stunning dash of elegance to its design. There are several types of fountains you can go for. If you’re looking for something zen and refreshing, try Japanese-inspired pieces. But if refined, classic Western pieces are more up your alley, try Britsh garden fountains.

4. Decorate the Walkway with Flowers

Want to make a solid first impression? Decorate the walkway with beautiful, colorful flowers. That way, guests and passersby will automatically get a glimpse of how stunning your garden is before they even get a chance to enter it.

Energy Conservation Gardening

Planning to get into gardening? Great! Before you actually get started, it’s best to review the different soil, water, and energy conservation techniques you can apply. That way, you don’t end up wasting your resources.

Adjust Your Sprinklers

Adjust your sprinklers and make sure they’re hitting your plants properly. You wouldn’t want to waste water by having your sprinklers aimed at the sidewalk, right? Also, do regular checkups to ensure the sprinklers are free of leaks. Every single drop counts.

Use a Rain Barrel

One of the simplest ways to increase energy savings at home is to set up a rain barrel under your roofing to collect runoff. You’ll be surprised by how much water you can collect in the drum after just a few minutes of raining. Once the drum is full, use the rainwater on your garden plants. If you use your resources properly, you might not have to turn your sprinklers on again.

Make Your Own Compost

Collect leaves, wood chips, animal waste, kitchen scraps, and foot leftovers to make your own compost. Apart from not having to save money, reusing these biodegradable items reduces the waste your household produces.

By Helper