Avoiding Job Burnout
One of the biggest challenges that many people in the working world struggle with is job burnout. When employees’ work becomes overwhelming, it can leave them feeling drained and not motivated to do the tasks necessary to complete their day-to-day responsibilities. This article discusses how working professionals can avoid job burnout, according to educator Jonathan Osler.
1. Set realistic goals.
Whether they are looking for a new career or just trying to find more time for an existing one, setting out their expectations from the start can help keep them on track. They should ensure they set manageable goals that can be achieved over weeks rather than months. Osler says that setting unreasonably big goals may lead only to failure.
2. Get some exercise.
Exercise stimulates our mind, boosts our energy, and improves our mood. It helps improve concentration and focus as well by keeping us alert. If they don’t have much time during the week, then try getting up early and taking a brisk walk around the block each morning before starting their workday.
3. Find meaning and purpose in their work.
According to Osler, finding meaning and purpose in what we do is important because it makes tasks less monotonous. For example, if they work for a company where they enjoy what they do, they will look forward to working every day. Instead of dreading Mondays when he had to go back to school and hear lectures about the same topic again, he started looking forward to them. As such, this helped him feel better mentally. Osler suggests making sure there is meaning and purpose behind everything they do. Rather than simply doing their job, they should ask themselves: “what am I contributing towards? Is my work helping others?”
4. Do things outside of their field of expertise.
Osler warns against becoming so immersed in the realm of medicine that they forget that life exists beyond the hospital walls. He advises learning something else as well, whether it’s playing the guitar or learning a foreign language. By learning something completely different from their area of expertise, they’ll broaden their knowledge base and make the experience even more enriching.
5. Avoid negative thoughts.
They should always think positively when faced with any challenge. Negative thinking leads to stress which often leads to fatigue and exhaustion. This leaves them unable to focus and concentrate properly. To counteract this, try practicing mindfulness. Mindfulness involves focusing on the present moment while simultaneously observing the thought process without judging its content. This technique enables them to take control of their mindset.
6. Schedule downtime.
If they spend too much time at their desk, it can become detrimental to their productivity and health. According to Osler, spending too long at the computer screen may cause headaches and eye strain. Instead of using this space to get work done, schedule some breaks throughout the day. Take a lunch break so they can eat, drink water, stretch their legs, and unwind. After a few minutes, return to their task list and put their phone away so that they can focus 100% on their work. Remember, being busy doesn’t equal being productive!
In conclusion, according to educator Jonathan Osler, these six tips are great ways to avoid burnout and achieve positive change within their daily routine. While they won’t necessarily solve all of their problems, they can certainly help. Try implementing one of these strategies into their lifestyles today and see how it affects their overall well-being.