Modern social media marketing often begins and ends with growing an online brand, but this isn’t enough for app developers. Those who are looking to convert leads into actual users will want to check out these tricks, which should help get people to try new phone software even if they wouldn’t otherwise be in the market to do so.

1. Compile an Online Digest

Creating an easily read digest or newsletter is normally considered a good way to attract new users who are still in the discovery phase of their journey. App developers can use these to provide special promotions and other free bonuses that can be redeemed in a branded mobile app. Once netizens download the program and take advantage of their free trials, they’ll be more likely to stick around as long-term users.

2. Support Content With Outside Apps

Having a site you link back to is always a good idea, no matter how popular your social media accounts may have gotten. That being said, it might be just as important to ensure that your organization has a specialized branded mobile app that helps users find the kind of content you place. Organizations that have their own apps are able to improve engagement figures since their app will only ever serve material to users that they actually want to see.

Pay close attention to any complaints about your brand that people post to your social media accounts. There’s a good chance that at least some of these are going to be related to material that your readership wants to interact with. Customers who can’t view videos on their devices because of data restrictions or inaccessibility are among those most likely to have these issues. Companies may want to especially emphasize the development of apps for Apple’s various platforms because these tend to have more locked-in ecosystems than most other competitors. Users who already follow you on social media are going to eventually move over to the app if they really like your content.

At the same time, it’s best not to forget the world of game consoles and even smart television sets. Users are likely going to want to have your material in a flexible format as well.

3. Explore Alternative Formats

Some of the most rabid social media users will find themselves forced offline as a result of bandwidth limitations or moving away from wireless networks as a result of road trips. When this happens, they’ll still want a way to interact with their favorite brands. One big way you can ensure that they still follow you is by providing material in some downloadable format. Perhaps you might consider taking the audio feed from your most popular videos and turning them into an independent podcast distributed through one of the major platforms. Videos themselves can be distributed via syndication feeds. Even PDF files of your posts could attract their own audience. Once people learn that they can download these information feeds through your app, they’ll be more likely to use it than the social media service they followed you on before.

No matter which way you decide to gain followers, however, keep in mind that content is still king and netizens will always navigate toward actionable information. If you provide this for them, then they might very well decide to try your app on their own.