Have you recently established a business? Or perhaps your company is launching a new line of products? While clever marketing campaigns will certainly help to spread the word, hosting an official launch party will make an even bigger impression. Not only this, but it’s also a great way to celebrate the hard work you and your team have put in to make this happen, and you all deserve to be acknowledged for this. So, how do you host the perfect launch party?
Consider Your Branding
The first thing you need to do is make sure that your business brand is present throughout the event. Even if your event is focusing on a new line of products, your guests need to know exactly what your business is and understand who is behind the event to begin with. Incorporate your company’s branding in the décor choices and color schemes. Have your logo projected on walls or as the backdrop on stage if you’re going to be making a speech or hosting a Q&A session. If you have cupcakes as part of your catering, have the logo and name of the product put on top as decoration. You want your guests to leave your launch party with your company’s name fresh in their minds.
Venue and Entertainment
Finding the right venue for your launch party is also very important. It needs to be at a location that is easy for people to find, preferably in the city center or as close as your budget will allow. If you want to offer guests food and drink, you need to discuss this with your venue first. Some places will offer catering options but won’t let you bring in catering from other companies, whereas other venues might be more flexible. It also needs to be equipped with everything you need, such as projectors, PA systems, etc.
You’ll also need to think about how to keep your guests entertained. Although this is a corporate event, you should make it fun so people will remember your brand and have positive connotations with it. Live music is always a popular choice, and you can find some excellent local performers at Alivenetwork.com. Alternatively, consider having more unique entertainment such as tarot card reading, caricaturists, or a comedian.
You might have secured the venue, bought all of your décor pieces, hired caterers, entertainment, etc., and be ready to throw the best launch party of the year. That’s fantastic, but don’t forget to market your event effectively so you can draw in as many guests as possible. Start promoting your event at least two months before to give people plenty of time to hear about it and make arrangements to attend. If you’re going to sell tickets to your event, make sure the prices are reasonable and that your guests are going to get something out of that, such as a free drink on arrival, for example. You should also think about creating a VIP guest list for the press and send a personal invitation to them for your event so they can write about it on their blogs, in local newspapers, etc.
If you want to put on a fantastic, memorable launch event for your company, use the tips above as a good place to start your planning process.