Do you have what it takes to be a leader? Not everyone does. Throughout history and to this day, great leaders have shared a pattern of similar traits and skills that help them preform the role of a leader well.
Michael Wiener of Albuquerque, New Mexico is a former Albuquerque City Councilor, New Mexico State Senator, as well as Bernalillo County Commissioner. Mr. Wiener knows what it takes to be a successful leader, and below, he reviews seven skills and traits that demonstrate you are a fit for a leadership position.
1. Selflessness– Possessing the skill of selflessness or altruism means that you put others first before yourself in the act of genuine care. When leading or managing a group of people, putting their needs before your own will help overall, creating better communication, proactive performance, and loyal employees. Build others up to instill confidence and empower them to be able to accomplish any goal. Such actions put your leadership skills in a positive light.
2. Positive Attitude– Optimism is the key to stimulating inspiration and motivation. A leader who sets his or her team on fire through their positive attitude will boost productivity, the morale of employees, and conquering unanticipated issues. Creating a positive and accepting culture is essential in any work environment, and success in the future is more obtainable through one.
3. Compassion– Leaders create quality relationships in their careers by showing empathy. Understanding the feelings of another individual aims to improve the management of conflict and relations. Providing a listening ear is a way to show you hold compassion for who you are working with at the time, whether it be an employee or customer.
4. Patience– No one likes or appreciates a short-tempered boss. Leaders who expose a side of patience can establish productive relationships and proactive communication. They accept that there will always be human error. Expressing tolerance and allowing employees to learn from their mistakes is a great way that excellent leaders foster growth in others.
5. Reliability– An effective leader makes sure they are dependable and are accessible to their team. It is vital to illuminate the message that you are reliable and trustworthy as a leader. Follow through with what you communicate and create strong relationships with those you are managing. A competent leader establishes a tone of respect throughout any group.
6. Creativity– When a leader embraces a creative mindset, innovation is inspired. Great leaders look for new ideas to continually allow for growth. Creativity also is a skill that assists in problem-solving. Sometimes you have to think out of the box as a leader to climb over unique issues successfully. Integrating creativity with problem-solving skills activates quick thinking with decisions and overall effective open-mindedness.
7. Teaching and Mentoring– As a leader, teaching and mentoring are two skills that continuously need practice and improvement to guide others effectively. You are a resource and pilot for your team’s success.
About Michael Wiener
Michael Wiener of Albuquerque, New Mexico, is a renowned expert in the field of automobile license plates and motor vehicle licensing systems. Due to his engagement and extensive experience in the motor vehicle industry, Michel Wiener serves as a reference for motor reputable news agencies, vehicle departments, auto clubs, law enforcement agencies, television, and motion picture production on subjects related to motor vehicles and automobile license plates.